Ideas for at Home - cont.
3D Printing & Laser Cutting
Now is a great time for home research and learning new software tools. Take some online tutorials to learn more about 3D printing so you’ll be ready to jump on the machines when you come back.
Beginner’s Guide to 3D Printing
Learn about Laser Cutting
A Few Software Programs to make Designs
For the Future at Cruces Creatives:
Tools: A variety of 3D printers
Tools: Our laser engraver and cutter
Audio Recording
What stories do you think you might want to share with future generations, or what songs are you working on that you want to record and release? Make your outlines, practice your pieces, and come record when we reopen.
How to Write a Song:
147 Ways to Write a Melody (an interesting view on melody writing)
5 Places to Collect and Preserve Family Stories
For the Future at Cruces Creatives:
Events: Come to our Audio Recording Classes
Events: Come to our All Original Open Mics
Events: Come to the Crossroads Songcrafting Collaborative
Tools: Use our audio recording equipment
Getting Fresh Air – Walking & Bicycles
Fresh air and sunlight are great for health. If you run into any goat heads or realize your bike needs a tune-up, come visit us for the Community Bike Shop once things reopen!
Las Cruces Trails
For the Future at Cruces Creatives:
Events: Come to Saturday Community Bike Shop
Events: Come to Thursday Community Bike Shop
Tools: Repair or upgrade your bike in the Bicycle Shop
Tools: Repair your shoes in the Textile Room
Cooking, Casting & Cooking Tech
So much time for cooking and enjoying food! Also, did you know Cruces Creatives has a small vacuum mold maker for casting, and that we’re working on larger plastic machines as well? If you’re into making chocolates, gummies, and other candies, start practicing your recipes now and come make new and interesting molds when we reopen. (If you’re wanting to make custom molds, you might also want to learn 3D printing.) Also, you can start new solar cooking machines in preparation for the summer!
Casting & Mold-making
Introduction to flexible molds:
What is Vacuum forming
Chocolate molds
Gummi molds
Making a custom gummy or chocolate mold
Ok, this is sort of ridiculous, everyone might want to watch: Gummy Chicken
Solar cooker
Solar dehydrator
For the Future at Cruces Creatives:
Tools: Use our vacuum former to make custom molds
Tools: Use our 3D printers to make custom designs
Tools: Use the wood shop to build a solar cooker or dehydrator
Writing – Poetry, comedy, stories and more
Expressing yourself and capturing a moment in time is part of what makes art. While you’re hunkered down, get some writing in, then come share your creations at our next Open Mic or next Writing Workshop.
How to write a Poem
How to Write a Joke
For the Future at Cruces Creatives:
Events: Writers Workshop
Events: All-Original Open Mic
Tools: Use our audio recording and / or photo backgrounds to record your pieces!