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Weekly Newsletter 10.24.19

2019-10-24 5:51 PM | Anonymous

Cruces Creatives News and Events


Welcome to the October 24 issue of the Cruces Creatives weekly newsletter. This is a place where you can keep up-to-date with big news at the makerspace, and learn about cool projects that your community members make.

The newsletter is published each Thursday. If you have makerspace news or announcements that you’d like to submit for the weekly newsletter, please email Pat DeSimio ( by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday.


Grant Update: Seeding Regenerative Agriculture Project

Last November 15, this newsletter announced Cruces Creatives’s first grant award: a project, funded by the Thornburg Foundation and McCune Charitable Foundation, for work with farmers, ranchers, and agricultural scientists to identify and address obstacles to regenerative agriculture (an approach to farming and ranching that can offer both environmental and economic benefits by cultivating ecosystem health from the soils up). Within the project, Cruces Creatives has been responsible for technology development and coordinating the efforts of the different groups and skill sets involved. The project finishes this week, and it has been a tremendous success!

Over 85% of the farmers and ranchers participating in the project reported that they were able to implement new regenerative agriculture practices and expand their existing regenerative practices thanks to their participation, and the technology team at Cruces Creatives has been able to develop both a cloud-connected soil temperature sensor and a grain cleaner for amaranth seeds, which are native and extremely drought tolerant. Thanks to the Thornburg Foundation and the McCune Charitable Foundation for making this work possible!

Mural Completion! 

Local artists Raquel Madrigal and Henry Hartig have finished the mural “By the Dam” on the north side of Cruces Creatives, and it looks great! The mural is part of a bi-national art exhibit, “Species in Peril Along the Rio Grande.”


Seeding Regenerative Agriculture Project, Seed Share, passive rainwater harvestFigure 1. Participants at a grant workshop on land contouring for passive rainwater harvest

amaranth grain cleaner, job shop, grain cleanerFigure 2. An amaranth grain cleaner

by the dam, rio grande, species in peril along the rio grande, by the dam mural, raquel madrigal, henry hartiq, cruces creativesFigure 3. "By the Dam"

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205 E. Lohman Ave
Las Cruces, NM 88001

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