HAZLO Foundation Mentor Training
The HAZLO (Make It/Do It) Program is starting this month! In this program, students work with community mentors to complete hands-on projects that the students propose. A training workshop for program mentors will be held on Feb. 16, and if you would be interested in helping students build life and academic skills through real-world projects, you’re invited to attend. To register, visit http://www.crucescreatives.org/event-3261106. As preparation for the workshop, please complete a mentor application form, available at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZh7lo58Z3AI0bN7M15DjFfD1O_9J9ks_pVhfLFzBkJC9k-A/viewform.
Sunday Hours Starting Feb. 17
Thanks to monitors Christopher Consaul, Matt Hawn, Sara Jones, John Miller, and Robyn Tierney, Cruces Creatives will be open from 1:00-5:00 p.m. on Sundays starting Feb. 17!
Monitor Training
Want to be part of the all-volunteer team that runs Cruces Creatives? Take training to be a monitor and help support the day-to-day work of creativity in the makerspace—also, the more monitors Cruces Creatives has, the more hours the makerspace can be open! The next training for back monitors is on Feb. 9 (http://www.crucescreatives.org/event-3176254), and the next training for front monitors is on Feb. 16 (http://www.crucescreatives.org/event-3176265). Monitors who volunteer three or more hours a week are thanked with a free membership to enjoy the makerspace they help create